American Wire Gauge 美国线规


American wire gauge (AWG), also known as the Brown & Sharpe wire gauge,
is a standardized wire gauge system used since 1857 in the United States and
other countries for the diameters of round, solid, nonferrous, electrically conducting wire.


Table of AWG wire sizesThe table below shows various data including both the resistance of the various
wire gauges and the allowable current (ampacity) based on plastic insulation.
The diameter information in the table applies to solid wires. Stranded wires are
calculated by calculating the equivalent cross sectional copper area. The table
below assumes DC, or AC frequencies equal to or less than 60 Hz, and does not
take skin effect into account. Turns of wire is on a best-case scenario when winding
tightly packed coils with no insulation.

AWG Diameter Turns of wire Area Copper
NEC copper wire
ampacity with 60/75/
90°C insulation (A)[7]
stranded metric
(inch) (mm) (per inch) (per cm) (kcmil) (mm²) (Ω/km) (Ω/kFT)
0000 (4/0) 0.4600 11.684 2.17 0.856 212 107 0.1608 0.04901 195 / 230 / 260  
000 (3/0) 0.4096 10.404 2.44 0.961 168 85.0 0.2028 0.06180 165 / 200 / 225  
00 (2/0) 0.3648 9.266 2.74 1.08 133 67.4 0.2557 0.07793 145 / 175 / 195  
0 (1/0) 0.3249 8.252 3.08 1.21 106 53.5 0.3224 0.09827 125 / 150 / 170  
1 0.2893 7.348 3.46 1.36 83.7 42.4 0.4066 0.1239 110 / 130 / 150  
2 0.2576 6.544 3.88 1.53 66.4 33.6 0.5127 0.1563 95 / 115 / 130  
3 0.2294 5.827 4.36 1.72 52.6 26.7 0.6465 0.1970 85 / 100 / 110 196/0.4
4 0.2043 5.189 4.89 1.93 41.7 21.2 0.8152 0.2485 70 / 85 / 95  
5 0.1819 4.621 5.50 2.16 33.1 16.8 1.028 0.3133   126/0.4
6 0.1620 4.115 6.17 2.43 26.3 13.3 1.296 0.3951 55 / 65 / 75  
7 0.1443 3.665 6.93 2.73 20.8 10.5 1.634 0.4982   80/0.4
8 0.1285 3.264 7.78 3.06 16.5 8.37 2.061 0.6282 40 / 50 / 55  
9 0.1144 2.906 8.74 3.44 13.1 6.63 2.599 0.7921   84/0.3
10 0.1019 2.588 9.81 3.86 10.4 5.26 3.277 0.9989 30 / 35 / 40
11 0.0907 2.305 11.0 4.34 8.23 4.17 4.132 1.260   56/0.3
12 0.0808 2.053 12.4 4.87 6.53 3.31 5.211 1.588 25 / 25 / 30 (20)  
13 0.0720 1.828 13.9 5.47 5.18 2.62 6.571 2.003   50/0.25
14 0.0641 1.628 15.6 6.14 4.11 2.08 8.286 2.525 20 / 20 / 25 (15)  
15 0.0571 1.450 17.5 6.90 3.26 1.65 10.45 3.184   30/0.25
16 0.0508 1.291 19.7 7.75 2.58 1.31 13.17 4.016 — / — / 18 (10)
17 0.0453 1.150 22.1 8.70 2.05 1.04 16.61 5.064   32/0.2
18 0.0403 1.024 24.8 9.77 1.62 0.823 20.95 6.385 — / — / 14 (7) 24/0.2
19 0.0359 0.912 27.9 11.0 1.29 0.653 26.42 8.051  
20 0.0320 0.812 31.3 12.3 1.02 0.518 33.31 10.15   16/0.2
21 0.0285 0.723 35.1 13.8 0.810 0.410 42.00 12.80    
22 0.0253 0.644 39.5 15.5 0.642 0.326 52.96 16.14   7/0.25
23 0.0226 0.573 44.3 17.4 0.509 0.258 66.79 20.36    
24 0.0201 0.511 49.7 19.6 0.404 0.205 84.22 25.67   1/0.5, 7/0.2, 30/0.1
25 0.0179 0.455 55.9 22.0 0.320 0.162 106.2 32.37    
26 0.0159 0.405 62.7 24.7 0.254 0.129 133.9 40.81   7/0.15
27 0.0142 0.361 70.4 27.7 0.202 0.102 168.9 51.47    
28 0.0126 0.321 79.1 31.1 0.160 0.0810 212.9 64.90    
29 0.0113 0.286 88.8 35.0 0.127 0.0642 268.5 81.84    
30 0.0100 0.255 99.7 39.3 0.101 0.0509 338.6 103.2   1/0.25, 7/0.1
31 0.00893 0.227 112 44.1 0.0797 0.0404 426.9 130.1    
32 0.00795 0.202 126 49.5 0.0632 0.0320 538.3 164.1   1/0.2, 7/0.08
33 0.00708 0.180 141 55.6 0.0501 0.0254 678.8 206.9    
34 0.00630 0.160 159 62.4 0.0398 0.0201 856.0 260.9    
35 0.00561 0.143 178 70.1 0.0315 0.0160 1079 329.0    
36 0.00500 0.127 200 78.7 0.0250 0.0127 1361 414.8    
37 0.00445 0.113 225 88.4 0.0198 0.0100 1716 523.1    
38 0.00397 0.101 252 99.3 0.0157 0.00797 2164 659.6    
39 0.00353 0.0897 283 111 0.0125 0.00632 2729 831.8    
40 0.00314 0.0799 318 125 0.00989 0.00501 3441 1049  

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