什么是GSM–Grams per Square Meter
这里的GSM不是“Global System for Mobile Communications 全球移动通讯系统”,也不是“General Sales Manager 销售总经理”或者其它什么的,而是 Grams per Square Meter 的缩写,中文是“克每平方米”,是一种用来衡量纸和纺织品重量和品质的标准单位。前面的数字越大,就表明纸或纺织品越厚,比如380GSM的就比270GSM的厚。
The standard measurement for weight and quality of fabrics is grams per square meter, usually abbreviated as GSM. This is the accepted standard in the United States as well as in foreign countries. Towels and bath robes typically vary from 300 to 800 GSM; other fabrics may have values as low as 100 GSM. The same units are used for toilet paper and other tissues (18 to 22 GSM is typical) as well as paper towels (35 to 50 GSM is typical).
a way of classifying paper according to the weight of a single thickness layer of that paper with an area of one square metre. This characterises the density of the paper so, for example, standard office paper tends to be 80gsm and the sort of paper that people use to print theses and other important documents on tends to be a little heavier at 100gsm or thereabouts. Typically, the higher the gsm rating of a type of paper the thicker the paper will be, and there’s a tendency for people to associate thick, heavy, dense paper with quality.
In principle, it’s possible to associated some gsm value with any paper, but it’s usually only done with office types of paper, and card where it’s useful to be able to distinguish between a thin (say 160gsm) card and the much thicker sorts which are available.
gsm is short for grams per square metre, and is often simply referred to as gm. It is a measure of the weight of a paper or card.
Everyday office paper has a weight of 80gm for every square metre. Most office and domestic printers can accept paper or thin card up to a weight of 160gm. A reasonable business card should be made from boards of a weight in excess of 300gm. Other properties of the card are also important. At busycards.com we use boards in the region 300-400gm.
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